Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tips for precautions from Cough and Cold

Winter is not yet over. It has started becoming little warmer, but it is going to be like this till the month of March. This year weather is much cooler as compared to last year, as predicted by weather experts. The sudden change in weather, prone to cough and cold. We need to protect ourselves and our family.

We love our Kids, and it hurts when  we see them coughing or in fever. Now, we would like to share some common home remedies for  kids in family. Spend only 10 minutes everyday in taking care of your kids and say bye-bye to cough and cold.

Lets start with the infants (0-3 months), lets know what are the steps we should take to protect them in cold-
  1. In night, when they r sleeping, apply 1 drop of mustard oil in their feet. Cover them. (Do it only in winters)
  2. If possible, give them massage with oil (which suits their skin), before giving them bath. And if Oil massage is not possible, give them massage by moisturizer, after bath. (this is for babies older than 2 months)
  3. Do not leave your child open or in wet towel, for more than 1-2 minutes.
  4. Keep all the doors and windows closed and switch off all the fans in your room. Switch it on, when your baby is properly dressed up.
  5. Keep your babies feet covered.
  6. The sweating in babies palm and baby's warm head will tell you, he/she is feeling hot.
  7. Keep them covered from head to toe while going out.
  8. Through out the winter, Mother can eat 1 -2 cloves per day, to keep the cold away.
 If baby already had a cold, few steps you an take to help them -

  • Mother can eat a spoonful of Ajwain ( Carom) seeds with a glass of water. It will send warmth of carom seeds to the baby through mother's milk. Secondly, it will reduce the gastric problem of baby, if he/she is having it.
Carom Seeds
  • Apply1 drop of oil in baby's feet.
  • Mother can eat 1handful of Almonds in morning and evening, it will help baby and mother both in keeping their body warm.
  • If it is possible for mother, eat cloves or I should say chew it, the warmth will go directly to the baby from her/his mother's milk.
  • Start taking care, as soon as cold starts, but do not forget to ask your doctor if he wants to recommend some medicine for child.
Now, lets come to the Toddlers. For some toddlers it's easy to take care of them, as they will eat whatever you will ask them to eat, to protect them from cold. But, the same is difficult for the other Toddlers. So, we can make their work easy (by doing some tricks), they will not realize that they are getting protected from cold and will be healthy for the whole winter.
  • If your toddler drink flavored milk, in the milk add 1/8 th tsp of Turmeric Powder. Mix it and give it to them, once in a day. ( do it only when winter is in peak)
  • Make Almonds Confectionery (Badam ka Halwa), and give it to them 3-4 tbsp once in a day ( can do this from fall to autumn). It will keep them away from cold as well as make their bones strong.
  • Massage your Toddler from Oil which you use regularly, once a day in whole body. ( can do it whole year)
  • Apply 2 drops of Mustard Oil in feet and massage in night after they go to bed. ( in peak winter)
  • Give 1 tsp of Honey everyday. (whole winter)
  •  When your toddler wakes up in the morning, give a glass of lukewarm water to him/her. ( It will help him/her in their morning routines, as well as help in throat pain)
And if your Toddler already has Cold -

Mustard Oil
  • Apply 2 drops of Mustard Oil in feet and 1 drop of oil in chest and rub gently, before going to sleepin night. Cover them properly.
  • Almond Confectionery (Badam ka Halwa) 7-8 tbsp, 4 times a day.
  • If they love taste of Lemon, in a lukewarm water add 2 tsp of Lemon Juice, a pinch of Salt, mix and let them drink, 4 times a day.
  • Give 1 tbsp of Honey, 2 times a day.
  • When your toddler wakes up in the morning, give a glass of lukewarm water to him/her. ( It will help him/her in their morning routines, as well as help in throat pain)
  • If the Cold has started from allergy, immediately give them medicine prescribed by Doc or visit a Doc.
  • If he/she loves the taste of Ginger, then you can also try giving a ginger Juice. You need to Crush small piece of Ginger, extract the Juice, heat it up, till it comes to the boiling point, mix 1tbsp of Honey and give it to them to drink at room temperature.

Ginger Juice
  • 1/2 cup of milk, mixed with a pinch of Turmeric powder, Ghee (unsalted butter) and 1tsp of Sugar.
  • If possible, give 1/2 tsp of Ajwain (Carom seeds) with water to your Child, and if not possible, add Carom Seeds in flour and make dough out of that flour and make Roti/ Parantha or tortilla for your child. You can also add 1 tsp of Carom Seeds in your curry or stew while frying. They won't even get to know that they are eating something which will keep their body warm.
Lets take care of the Kids and protect them from cough and cold.

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